I love Tomato soup very much. It's easy to make becoz doesn't need any fancy item,all Ingredients are available in kitchen.By adding new items like coriander leaves,mint,curry leaves or anythings else depends on our imagination ,will get different taste but Simple Tomato Soup also Rock.
5 Tomatoes
1 Onion (small),chopped
3-4 Garlic clove
3 Black Pepper
3 clove
1 1/2 tsp Sugar
1 tbsp Butter
3/4 tsp salt
2 slice Beetroot
Take roughly chopped Tomatoes and all other ingredients in pressure cooker ,add 1/2 cup of water and take 2 whistle on medium flame. Let cool and grind it. Strain and boil once again( If needed add water.)
Serve hot with Bread Stick or Bread croutons.
To get a thick consistency you can add about half tsp of cornstarch, dissolved in a little water while cooking.I am skipping this my son also love it and I like to give him pure .
Garlic, onion are optional,can skip also.
For rich red color I added Beetroot.
While Boiling can add 1 or 2 tbsp fresh cream also.
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